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Bible is Truth; Quran is Falsehood
Dome of the Rock

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This book is about the interpretation of the Quran in overall contest of the Bible. The author gives references in his book from the Bible and the Quran. The book summary, 51 pages (10,587 words) long, has much more information to prove that ''Bible is the truth; Quran is falsehood'' and that ''Judaism and Christianity are the true Abrahamic religions; Islam is an anti-Abrahamic and anti-Christ religion not only according to the Bible but also according to the Quran''.  Muslim Isa of the Quran is not Jesus Christ of the Bible and Maryam of the Quran is not the Virgin Mary of the Bible.  In a nutshell, according to the Living and Risen Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven and sects of the Quran, Islam is an anti-Christ religion and Islamic states are anti-Christ states.  Non-Arab Muslims are the victims at the hands of their Arab masters of Arabia who misrepresented the Arabic Quran outside Arabia through Jihad war in total violation of the Quran.

The Bible is from Adam to Jesus Christ with complete knowledge about the beginning to the end of our world from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. God of Abraham made a covenant with the descendants of Isaac from Sarah (Gen 17:15-19), the prophets were raised, given miracles and prophecies about the divine Messiah to come from Heaven, circumstances would happen that the Messiah would be killed but he would beat the death. The sacrificial son was Isaac from Sarah (Gen 22:1-19). The atonement of sins is central to the belief of Jews and Christians, who worship the same God. The Bible is only Book of supernatural miracles, prophecies and the Holy Spirit who is divine. The Bible is about the Living God of Abraham, a triune God; the Word of God is eternal, and the Holy Spirit are in union with one Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, God of Moses, Lord God Yahweh, generic name Elohim, and the Living and Risen Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) in Heaven is the eternal Word of God, Spirit of God, foretold divine Messiah of the Bible. God appeared to Prophet Moses in a burning bush, parted the Red Sea, rescued the children of Israel, God's chosen people from the bondage and slavery of Egyptians and settled them in the holy land of Israel under the leadership of Prophet Joshua (Book of Exodus and Book of Joshua). God spoke to Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai and gave him the ten commandments (Exodus 20). The Creed of children of Israel, a triune God is: 'Hear O Israel: ''The Lord, our God, the Lord is one'', (Det 6:4). God said, I am the first and the last; 'Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts; I am the first and the last; besides me there is no god like me', (Isiah 44:6). The God of Abraham sent revelations to many Biblical prophets; God revealed the Books of Torah to Prophet Moses and Psalms (Zaboor) to Prophet David. Every word that Christ said, prescribed in the Holy Gospels (Injeel) is the word of God, as Jesus Christ is the eternal Word of God through the Holy Spirit. Prophet Abraham was Hebrew; other Biblical prophets were Hebrews and Jews except for Christ Jesus, as he had no worldly father, came down from heaven, born of a unique Jewish woman, the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit to be called the Holy Son of God (Luke 1:26-35), and the Word became flesh (John 1:1-14), sinless man on earth. Christ preached there is only one God of Israel (Mark 12;29 and Det 6:4), he claimed his eternal relation with his Father in Heaven: 'I and Father are one', (John 10:30). 'Whoever has seen me seen the Father'. (John 14:9). Christ told his disciples, 'You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am', (John 13:13). Christ gave life to the dead, cured born blind and leper, died on the cross, rose from the dead, ascended back to Heaven and will come again as the Sign of the Hour to judge the living and the dead being the wisdom of his Father in Heaven. Christ died and was also alive, his message of peace, love, forgiveness of sins and the eternal life in the name of one God Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit was for the whole of humanity (Matthew 28:18-20). So, Christ declared that 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to Father except through me', (John 14:6).  No wonder, John 3:16 is close to the heart of Christians, 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believe in him should not perish, but have the eternal life'. And Christ revealed the Book of Revelation after he ascended back to Heaven and declared, ''I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end'', (Revelation (22:13). Indeed, the entire Bible from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation revolves around Jesus Christ. Biblical Messiah is the divine status, which means the Saviour of our world, the best role model of peace and salvation to follow for all times to come.  Christianity was stated by most Jews, the leftover Jews are still waiting for the Messiah to come towards the end times. The name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yashu'a, in Arabic called Yasu'a, when his main title 'The Messiah' is attached to his name in Arabic called Yasu-AL-Messiah. Jesus in English is the correct transliteration. The disciples of Jesus Christ were the eye witnesses to the fulfilment of the Messianic prophecies by Jesus Christ, foretold in the Hebrew Bible and recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Injeel means good  news for the whole of humanity. Jesus Christ warned that the false prophet would come after me and you would know him by the fruits of his followers (Matthew 7:15-16). Christ also warned that a false Messiah would come after him (Matthew 24:3-4).  Prophet Abraham, a Hebrew, was the father of the faith of Judaism and Christianity called the Abrahamic religions, their holy city is Jerusalem.


According to the Biblical prophets and the Living Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven, there is no bigger sin for Jews and Christians than to worship Allah of the Quran that Muslims worship with a Black Stone in Makkah, or to believe in their Prophet from Lord God Yahweh, or to believe in the five pillars of Islam, or to follow the inhumane Sharia laws of Islam that Muslims follow by following the examples of their Prophet, and their Paradise (Jannah) of virgin hoores for men, a weird belief of Muslims, and many false claims in the Quran. Indeed, it is impossible even to justify the need for the Quran after the Bible, nor was there any need for a Prophet from Pagan Arabs after the Living Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven, Sign of the Hour. Above all, God of Abraham made no covenant with the Pagan Arabs of Arabia that leaves much to be desired about the source of the revelation of the Quran. There is nothing common between the Bible followers (Jews and Christians) and Muslims (followers of the Quran), they are fundamentally opposed to each other. Bible followers are children of God the Father in Heaven; Muslims are slave of Allah of the Quran as Pagan Arabs were and their Prophet, his father's name was Abdullah, Abdul means slave and Abdullah means slave of Allah. He was born into a Pagan family and at the age of 40, he started receiving the revelations of the Quran when he was on his own in a cave called Ghar-e-Hira in Makkah. The Bible has been translated into many languages including the Arabic, which Muslims call the Arabic Bible. However, Allah/Rabb for the Lord in the Arabic Bible and Arabic Quran sound the same but they are not the same.


Allah of the Quran is Pagan Arabs' moon god Allah, whom Muslims worship, kiss the Black Stone in Makkah and the same Pagan rituals, such as Hajj, Umra, fasting during the month of Ramazan, throwing stones on Shaitan (devil) depicted by a pillar, running in between Saffa and Marwa hills, encircle seven times around Kaba and kissing the Black Stone in Makkah as Pagan Arabs and their Prophet used to perform before Islam. Pagan Arabs and their Prophet used to worship 360 idols, chief deity was Hubel and they believed in three deities of Allah called AL-Uza, AL-Lat and Manat (53:19-21). However, they finally destroyed the idols in Makkah. So, these Pagans became Muslims during 610-632 A.D and their religion was named Islam (5:3). It was a major sin for Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims to associate any partner called shirk with their Allah that Allah will never forgive (4:48,116), because: 'islam is the only religion accepted by Allah', (3:19). The Quran was the first and the last revelation of its own kind, not he last and final revelation. The Quran, a Book of secret codes with hidden and secret meanings, fake challenges and fake angels, has a fake name, ‘islam’, for its religion and a fake name, ‘Muslim’ for its followers, ‘islam' means ‘submission’ nothing more and nothing less. Does it sound like a religion? And Muslim means ‘one who submits and is the slave of Allah’, as Pagan Arabs were and their Prophet. The Muslim Prophet Isa of the Quran (19:30), son of wrong Maryam, a messenger of Allah (4:157) is a fake character. Maryam of the Quran is not the Virgin Mary of the Bible. Muslims Isa of the Quran is not Jesus Christ of the Bible. The author explains with a diagram in his book that the name of Jesus Christ in Arabic called Yasu-AL-Messiah has been turned back to front and upside down in the Quran to a fake character Isa-AL-Messiah. As against Prophet Abraham of the Bible who was Hebrew; the Quran has a fake Muslim Prophet Ibraheem (2:132), and his religion is Islam (2:131).  Ibraheem and his fake son Ismaeel allegedly laid the foundation of Kaba in Makkah (2:125-129), which never existed till after Christ. So, Pagan Arabs of Arabia and their Prophet who became Muslims during 610-632 A.D and their religion was named Islam had  a false belief (iman) in the Biblical prophets, Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) and Books of the Bible, due to falsehoods of the Quran, as everything in the Quran is fake. There is no Muslim Prophet in the entire Bible nor their religion was Islam as Allah deceived Muslims in the Quran. No wonder Allah is the Best of Deceivers according to the Quran (3:54), 'First and the Last (57:3), 'Best of Deceivers' (8:30). Indeed, there is no bigger insult to the Biblical prophets and Living Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven than to call them Muslims or their religion was Islam as Muslims believe due to falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran, which is an act of blasphemy to promote fake Prophet of Islam as the last and final Prophet and messenger (33:7) of Pagan Arabs Allah of the Quran, Best of Deceivers, that Muslims worship and kiss the Black Stone in Makkah. It is high time for our world to know how to define iman (belief) and how to define a religion, particularly Abrahamic religions. You will be amazed to know that the most deceitful verse of the entire Quran 'islam is the only religion accepted by Allah' secretly means that 'Islam is an anti-Abrahamic and anti-Christ religion', not only according to the Bible but also according to the Quran. 


God of Abraham, raised many prophets in the Hebrew Bible, they were given miracles and prophecies with a long list of prophecies about the divine Messiah to come from Heaven. Great is the religion of Judaism as the God of Abraham Isaac, Jacob, God of Moses, Lord God Yahweh, generic name Elohim proved beyond any reasonable doubt that He exists. The Quran is not from God of Abraham, God of Moses of the Bible as the Quran denies even the ten commandments of Law of Moses of Torah revealed by God of Moses, Lord God Yahweh, central to the belief of Jews and Christians. And Jews have been following the Books of Torah, a long time before Islam was known to our world through Pagan Arabs of Arabia. Every word that Christ said when he was on earth prescribed in the Injeel is the word of God as Jesus Christ is the eternal Word of God through the Holy Spirit. The Quran denies the highly spiritual and peaceful teachings of Christ, the Quran also denies the core message of Christ of peace and salvation for the whole of humanity. Christianity spread through the breathtaking divine miracles of Christ Jesus, foretold in the Hebrew Bible. About 600 years before Islam, Christ warned that the false Prophet would come after me and you would know him by the fruits of his followers and that 'All those who pick up the sword will perish by the sword', (Matthew 26:52). The sword was the biggest miracle of Islam, the prophet and messenger were the fake titles of the Prophet of Pagan Arabs in the Quran, he was mercy for all Pagan people of Arabia (21:107), who were in darkness like their fake Prophet, and the best role model (33:21) among Pagan Arabs before he was misled by the Quran like many against the Living God of Abraham, God of Moses, Lord God Yahweh and Living and Risen Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) of the Bible in Heaven, and a big bogus claim in the Quran that the name of the unlettered prophet and messenger from Arabs in the name of Ahmad to come is inscribed in Torat and Injeel with them the Jews and Christians (7:157, 61:6), which backfires dangerously on Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims from their Quran.  No wonder, Muslims for many generations as a drowning man catches at a straw refer to many verses from the Hebrew Bible and the Holy Gospels (Injeel) about the name of the fake Prophet of Pagan Arabs, but in vain, for which the author genuinely feels sorry for Muslims due to falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran. Sura Ikhlas (112:1-4), believed by Muslims as the touchstone of theology, so-called towheed, and Allah has no son (17:111, 18:4), also backfires embarrassingly on Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims from their Quran, as their Allah needs a Consort (Sahiba) to have a son or children according to the Quran (6:101). ​​

The Quran is a Book of hatred, violence and curses on non-Muslims called mushrik and filthy or najas (9:28) because Allah does not love Kafir (3:32), Allah hates non-Muslims; particularly Jews and Christians called People of the Book with a long list of hostile verses of hatred, violence and curses on Jew and Christians, based on false accusations to the extent that People of the Book are the worst of creatures, they will dwell in Hellfire forever (98:6), 'Believers, do not take Jews and Christians as your friends, they are friends only to each other, whoever does that becomes one of them, Allah does not guide the wrong doers', (5:51), whereas Jews and Christians did not need any guidance from Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran who is the Wrong Doer, and 'Jews say, ''Azra is the son of Allah, Christians say, Messiah is the son of Allah, how far astray they have been led, may Allah destroy them'', (9:30). Neither Jews say, Azra is the son of Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran that Muslims worship with a Black Stone in Makkah nor Christians say Messiah is the son of Allah of the Quran the Best of Deceivers, still Allah wants Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims to kill the Jews and Christians, and the Jews have been declared the worst enemies of Muslims in the Quran (5:82), 'Allah turned some unknown Jews into despised apes for not observing Sabbath on Saturday', (2:65), but Allah did not command the Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims to observe the Sabbath, so Allah must have turned the most of Arab Muslims of Arabia into despised apes for observing the Friday as their special day. For Christians, it is an integral part of their belief to believe in Sabbath and they celebrate Sunday as a special day because Christ rose from the dead on Sunday that Muslims deny with a long list of false trinities culminating into ''Allah, Muslim Isa of the Quran and the wrong Maryam part of trinity'', (5:116), so Christians are repeatedly called Kafir (infidels) and many more lies of Allah of the Quran, the Father of all lies, what to talk of the source of revelation of the Quran, Jihad war against non-Muslims being the fundamentals of Islam with the incentive of war booty, 'Know that one fifth of the battle gains belong to Allah and His Messenger, his close relatives, orphans, needy and the travellers (8:41), what to talk of the horrible fate of Jews of Khyber and three Jewish tribes of Yasrib name Medina by Muslims, Jizya or mafia tax from Jews and Christians called dhimmies; 'Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden among the People of the Book until they pay Jizya willingly and submit', (9:29), incentive of sex with slave girls and captured women (4:3,24, 23:5-6, 70:30), the acts of evil from Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran, the height of cruelty, abuse and insult of Muslim women of Arabia a disgrace to humanity, what to talk of the personal examples of the fake prophet of Pagan Arabs, he married extra wives with additional privileges from his Allah to have sex with slave girls, captured women and those believing women who offer themselves to the Prophet for marriage called Hiba (33:50-51), he married his adopted son Zaid's wife as he so desired and commanded by Allah (33:37), he was caught having sex with a slave girl Maria by his wife Hafsa and approved by his Allah', (66:1-2), he married six years child girl Aisha and consummated the marriage when she was nine years child (Bukhari 5134), his fake night journey from Masjid-AL-Haraam in Makkah to the farthest mosque believed to be AL-Aqsa mosque that did not exist in Jerusalem during his life (17:1), 'Allah and angels pray on Prophet, 'O you who believe, you too pray on him and send him the greetings of peace', (33:56), but the Quran did not disclose; to whom Allah and angels are praying to for the Prophet, 'To lie in the cause of Allah called taqiya', (3:28), 'Paradise (Jannah) of virgin hoores for sex, young boys (Ghilman) who will not bleed and wine for men', ( 44:51-55, 52:17-24, 56:17-24, 78:31-34), a weird and demonic belief of Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims, so-called the best community chosen by their Allah above all people who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong (3:110), Creed or Kalma of Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran, 'There is no Allah but Allah', (37:35), and that 'Allah misguides whom He wills and guides whom He wills', (7:178, 16:93). Indeed, Allah misguides with a deceitful claim in Sura AL-Fatiha (the prayer) that Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran is Most Kind and Merciful Rabb (Lord) of the whole of mankind, the Master of the Day of judgement (1:1-7), whereas there is not a single good deed towards humanity in the entire Quran provided non-Muslims and Muslim women are also considered as human beings, acts of evil in the Quran, height of immoralities and inhumane Sharia laws of Islam; fundamentally opposed to Judaism and Christianity the true Abrahamic religions of the Bible that leads Muslim men of Arabia to Hellfire according to the Quran (19:70-71), as their preordained destiny (9:51). No wonder, 99.99% people of Makkah rejected the Quran in favour of the Bible, till they were made to surrender under the sword and accepted islam or accepted surrender. Indeed, Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran misguides Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims to do evil acts and leads them to Hellfire as their destiny and that Jews and Christians called People of the Book are the worst of creatures, they will dwell in Hellfire forever (98:6), with a deceitful verse, a trap for Jews and Christians to invite them to accept Islam or accept surrender, become slaves of Allah called Muslims; 'Say, O People of the Book, let us come to common terms between you and us, worship none but Allah alone associate no partner with Him, do not take others as lords besides Allah, if they turn away, say, ''Bear witness that we are Muslims'', (3:64).  In other words 'O People of the Book, come to our terms, accept Islam or accept surrender, become slave of Allah called Muslims, and let us worship none but Allah of the Quran, the Best of Deceivers, kiss the Black Stone in Makkah and follow the inhumane Sharia laws of Islam by following the most embarrassing examples of the fake Prophet of Pagan Arabs', which is indeed the way to Hellfire. No wonder, God of Abraham of the Bible made no covenant  with Pagan Arabs of Arabia, so it is impossible even to justify the need for the Quran after the Bible, nor was there any need for a Prophet from Pagan Arabs after the Living Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven.  Indeed, according to the Living God of Abraham and Living Christ Jesus of the Bible, the Prophet of Pagan Arabs who became Muslims was the False Prophet. And the Muslim Prophet Isa of the Quran, a messenger of Allah is a fake character and Maryam of the Quran is not the Virgin Mary of the Bible. It does not matter to Christians whether Muslim Isa of the Quran rose from the dead or not, still, you will be amazed to know that Isa of the Quran secretly rose from the dead, although it appears on the surface readings of the Quran, 'Jews said, ''we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Maryam, they neither killed him, nor crucified him, it appeared so to them, those who differ about it have no knowledge and follow the mere conjectures, they certainly did not kill him, Allah raised him up to Himself'', (4:156-158) that Christians and Muslims alike have struggled with for many generations.  Instead of Muslim Isa of the Quran who is a fake character, the Muslim translators of the Arabic Quran write Jesus in English to deceive Christians. There is no bigger insult to Jesus Christ of the Bible than to call him Muslim as Muslims believe due to falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran, which is an act of blasphemy against Christ with far-reaching serious consequences for Muslims for all times to come, and Christians must not tolerate the deceptions of the Quran from Muslims to the peril of their life.


Above all, there is no Muslim prophet in the entire Bible, nor their religion was Islam, as Allah deceived Muslims in the Quran, and the biggest deception our world has ever know is that; Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran allegedly gave the Books of the Bible, as it appears on the surface readings of the Quran, which backfires extremely dangerously on Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims from their Quran. No wonder, Allah is the Master of Deceivers (13:42) and claims to be the Master of the Day of judgement (1:1-7).   So, nothing from Allah of the Quran applies to the Biblical prophets, to Christ Jesus and the Books of the Bible. It is high time for Bible followers (Jews and Christians) to know their Scriptures and warn Muslims loudly and boldly; stop insulting Biblical prophets and Christ Jesus were Muslims or their religion was Islam as Muslims believe due to falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran, which is an act of blasphemy to promote fake Prophet of Islam as the last and final Prophet and messenger (33:40) of Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran that Muslims worship with a Black Stone in Makkah, the House of wicked.  Muslims are also committing acts of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit due to deceitful verses in the Quran, which amounts to playing with fire according to the Living God of Abraham, Lord God Yahweh and Living Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) of the Bible in Heaven. For Jews and Christians, it is an integral part of their belief to know the Holy Spirit, who is divine. No wonder while cursing Jews and Christians throughout the Quran based on false accusations to the extent that People of the Book are the worst of creatures, Allah repeatedly commanded the fake Prophet of Pagan Arabs, 'In case of any doubt what has been sent down to you, ask People of the Book who have been reading the Books before you', (10:94), ''To know from Jews about the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, God of Moses, Lord God Yahweh, generic name Elohim, who revealed the Books of the Hebrew Bible, and from Christians about the Living and Risen Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) of the Bible in Heaven, every word that Christ said when he was on earth, prescribed in the Injeel is the word of God, as Jesus Christ is the eternal Word of God, Spirit of God, foretold divine Messiah of the Bible, the best role model of peace and salvation to follow for the whole of humanity for all times to come, and Christ will come again as the Sign of the Hour to judge the living and the dead''.  About six hundred years before Islam, Christ said, 'Nothing defiles a person that goes into his mouth, what defiles a person that comes out of his mouth' (Mark 7:15). The real problem of slaves of Allah called Muslims, so-called believers, is what comes out of their mouths from the Quran, which has brought nothing good to our world through Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims and their religion was named Islam.

The author goes on to prove that Islam, a fake Abrahamic religion, was only for Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims and were in darkness like their fake Prophet, worship Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran, kiss the Black Stone in Makkah and the same Pagan rituals as Pagan Arabs and their Prophet used to perform before Islam, and the Quran was not a straight path in itself, but a stepping stone to the straight path to the Living God of Abraham Lord God Yahweh and Living and Risen Christ Jesus (Yasu-AL-Messiah) of the Bible in Heaven to seek peace, iman, salvation, the purpose of life, love for humanity and respect for women, which are lacking in the Quran and Quran was cancelled or abrogated under its abrogate clause (2:106) because it has doubtful verses of which only Allah knows the true meaning according to the Quran (3:7), and do not ask questions (5:101,102) as the Shaitan inserts or insinuates verses in the Quran (22:52) who was the main source of the revelation of the Quran representing Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran. No wonder the Prophet of Pagan Arabs had to ask forgiveness of his past and future sins for himself and for his so-called believing men and women (Momin and Momina) and say to them, I do not know what will be done to me or to you?, (40:55, 46:9, 47:19, 48:2), he did not compile the Quran and sum up the entire Quran in a few words but he died at the wrong time and all in vain as his followers misrepresented the abrogated Quran outside Arabia through Jihad war in total violation of the Quran. After about six years of his death, Arabs of the desert captured Jerusalem and by about 711 A.D., the sword of Islam reached as far as India towards the east and Spain towards the west, a so called the religion of peace, tolerance and justice with their famous slogan Allah-Ho-Akbar. Arab Muslims used their Quran as a tool to rule over their victims with their inhumane Sharia laws, ensuring that their victims kept on singing to their fake Prophet (33:56), could not escape alive due to their Apostasy laws, and non-Arab women became the biggest victims of Islam for being born in a Muslim family, the biggest tragedy that our world has ever known. No wonder no one knows what islam is among so many Muslim sects who are constantly at each other's throats for virgin hoores in Paradise (Jannah) for men, what to talk of never ending disputes on Hadith and Sunnah of the fake Prophet of Arabs,  passed on through oral traditions and recorded over 200 years after the Quran that could not be translated in any other language for over 200 years due to lack of vowels and diacritical marks, and till today there is not a single agreed reference of the translation of the Arabic Quran. Hence, there are multiple interpretations of the Quran, and no Muslim knows about the Biblical prophets and Living Christ Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven due to falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran. The ideology of Islam is very simple; if we can prove all other religions particularly Judaism and Christianity are false religions, we do not have to prove that islam is true religion. Indeed, Judaism and Christianity are the true Abrahamic religions; Islam is an anti-Abrahamic and anti-Christ religion not only according to the Bible but also according to the Quran. So, wherever the Quran goes with inhumane Sharia laws of Islam, height of cruelty and abuse of Muslim women, height of immoralities, acts of evil in the Quran, hatred, violence and curses on non-Muslims called Mushrik, filthy and Kafir with their halaal meat, brings a curse to that land and leads Muslim men of Arabia to Hellfire as their destiny. Indeed, Allah and Shaitan are the same in the Quran and the Prophet of Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims was the messenger of Allah the Best of Deceivers. In a nutshell, according to the Living and Risen Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven and Secrets of the Quran, Islam is an anti-Christ religion, and Islamic states are anti-Christ states. Find out about the end times of coming of Christ Jesus from Heaven in favour of Jews and Christians and against the anti-Christ forces of Islamic states and the ultimate battle of Armageddon, started by Arabs of the desert who misrepresented the abrogated Quran outside Arabia through Jihad war in total violation of the Quran.  No wonder Muslims worldwide are in turmoil; they can neither live in peace, among themselves nor with the other communities of our world, which is a spiritual problem, and the cause is the Quran from Shaitan, the so-called last and final revelation. The author hopes that his book will help Christians not to be deceived by Muslims to accept the anti-Christ religion called Islam. The author also hopes that his book will help non-Arab Muslims to rescue them from the slavery of Allah of the Quran, as they became victims at the hands of their Arab masters to follow their inhumane Sharia laws, and come to Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive in the Heaven to seek peace, salvation, the purpose of live, love for humanity and respect for women, which are lacking in the Quran and stop worshipping Pagan Arabs’ Allah of the Quran with a Black Stone in Makkah, which is the Gate to Hell.

The information on the website is open to the public to share with others particularly for the benefit of Jews, Christians and Muslims, provided the title of the book and the website is referred to. Find out more in the Book Summary that ''Bible is truth; Quran is falsehood'' and that Judaism and Christianity are the true Abrahamic religions; Islam is an anti-Abrahamic and anti-Christ religion not only according to the Bible but also according to the Quran and many more falsehoods and deceptions of the Quran, inhumane Sharia laws of Islam, height of cruelty, abuse and insult of Muslim women in the Quran when compared to the fortunate women of the Bible; fundamentally opposed to Judaism and Christianity the true Abrahamic religions of the Bible that leads Muslim men of Arabia to Hellfire as their destiny. And the biggest deception our world has ever known is that the Pagan Arabs' Allah of the Quran allegedly gave the Books of the Bible, which backfires dangerously on Pagan Arabs of Arabia who became Muslims from their Quran.  Above all, according to the Living and Risen Christ Jesus of the Bible in Heaven and secrets of the Quran, Islam is an anti-Christ religion and Islamic states are anti-Christ states. May the peace of Christ who is in the Heaven, be with you wherever you are.


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